Jesus Wants to Do Miracles in Your Life

My brothers and sisters, it is necessary that the difficulties which happen in our life do not annul our faith. 

Thanks be to God, Jesus comes and helps the faith of His apostles. The Lord appears to them and they think they are seeing a ghost. How many people are seeing darkness instead of seeing Jesus in situations! Because of problems our faith is being annuled. I am not aware of annulling my problems, Lord, heal the roots of my faith that Your light may illumine my steps. 
Jesus says to us today: I do not cast your problems away, no, because of them I am more present still.” 
Why are you worried, why do you have doubt in your heart? See my hands and my feet, It is I! touch me and see! A ghost does not have flesh, nor bones as you can see that I have.” (cf Luke 24:38-39)
It is this treatment that Jesus wants to give us. If you are in need of wonders and miracles to touch Jesus, He is disposed to give them to you. But how many people have seen the Lord’s miracles in themselves, in their family but do not believe in them. 
The Lord comes to our help and treats our faith as He did with the apostles. 

Monsignor Jonas Abib

Portuguese Version