See Jesus with the Eyes of Faith

9363068298_ab6f85fede_zIt is important to remind ourselves that, from Easter Sunday to Pentecost is 50 days. The liturgy says that these days are celebrated as if they were one Sunday. It’s a party! So you may want to wish all Happy Easter until Pentecost.

See, in the Word, the details of God. On the first day of the week on Sunday, Love moved the woman who lived an experience with God, to go at dawn to the tomb of Jesus. Once there, she got a shock, because found the stone removed from the tomb. Then she ran out to Peter and the disciple whom Jesus loved, and said to them: “They have taken the Lord from the tomb, and we do not know where they laid him.”

Peter and the other disciple ran together, but the other came before Peter. He bowed, as was seen inside the tomb, but did not enter. This happened because he had respect for Peter, respect for hierarchy, for what would be the first Pope. With this, we can learn about respect for the people of the Church, the respect that we should have for the Pope.

Going back to the biblical passages to reach the tomb, Peter went and saw the cloths spread on the ground and the shroud that had covered Jesus’ head, wrapped in a place apart. The other disciple, who had arrived first, also entered the tomb and seeing everything, believed. In fact, they had not yet understood the Resurrection, but soon the Lord would reveal it to them.

The two then returned home. Mary Magdalene was there, crying. She looked into the tomb and saw two angels, they asked her. “Woman, why are you crying” She replied: “They have taken my Lord and I do not know where they laid Him.”

She was longing for Jesus, distressed, because he was gone. Was this longing that sometimes feel when we ask, “My God, where are you in this situation?”. Then she turned and saw a man at her side. Jesus was, but she thought it was the gardener. Mary Magdalene could not see Him, there, as she was crying crying. But by the time he called her Mary, the way he spoke, she recognized Him.

It’s interesting what the Word tells us about the Resurrection. She says that Jesus did not remain on Earth, but ascended to the Father, and that Mary Magdalene became the first to announce the resurrection of the Lord.

And what I admire most about Jesus is that He was playing at ‘hide and seek’ with the disciples, because He wanted to get them used to a new kind of presence. Before the Resurrection, the disciples touched Him, went with him to parties, to the house of the people. Now, they had to see Him with the eyes of faith.

Jesus says in Matthew 18:20: “For where two or three are gathered in my name, I’ll be there.” It is as if He spoke: “You will not see me anymore with the eyes of flesh, but gathered in my name , will see me in the faith. ”

If you gather in the name of the Lord it is sure that he will be present. It’s a new kind of presence. He appears to the disciples, so that they are witnesses. See that even today the story is told! The facts that are in the Bible show the authenticity of everything.

Jesus bothers to prepare each one of us, because He was going to be with the Father He suffered, died and came back for everyone to understand that He would always be present. Our faith is that!Sometimes, we do not see Jesus, but He will be among us gathered in His name, invoking His presence.

If you are suffering, invoke the name of the Lord. In more simple moments, call for Him. When the disciples remained they experienced seeing Jesus among them, they were then able to tell to the others what happened and announced His Resurrection. 

This world is full of grief, there are many people complaining about life. So we need to proclaim the joy of the Resurrection of Christ. God is love, but also joy. Bring joy to the Lord’s name. He is risen and is manifested in our midst.

The twelve disciples and Mary Magdalene did the experience a new kind of presence of the Lord; Today, He also wants us to have  this experience. Jesus is everywhere, He went to the Father and is with us through prayer and faith. Whenever we invoke His name, He will be present.

In the midst of his suffering, hope you find Jesus with the eyes of faith. May the Lord bless you in the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit. Amen

With the grace of God, we come to 57% of our Give me Souls project. God bless all who are with us in this journey towards the 100%.

Deacon Nelsinho Corrêa

Member of Canção Community.

Portuguese Version