Great Powers = Great Responsibilities

I know many of us men tend to be more practical to seek solutions to problems instead of getting involved in them and about them. Sometimes we get in our ‘box of nothing’ to survive. Yes, ‘nothing box’. “Hey, what are you thinking?” “Nothing.” “I made you something?” “Nothing.” Nothing is nothing at all. This makes us live life more freely, but our ‘secret of nothing’ prevents us from getting involved in what appears worthwhile! Real men express power and mercy. Courage and excitement!

I am impressed with the way of Jesus. He was a friend of and encouraged and taught the disciples, He was a father to them and to the people. Jesus, was sometimes laughing with them, He went to parties with the guys, but also stamped His foot in matters where even the closest disciples disagreed. He was firm when He needed to be and knew to put himself in each situation.

We like to protect what is sacred and important to us, especially women.We have a desire to give our lives to the point of pain! Just look at most of the heroes that were created by our imagination, literature and movies.They give their lives for love. How do we give our lives in our own way? Remember here that the uncle of Spiderman told him in the first film, before being killed: “Great powers require great responsibility.” That’s it! The “power” given to us to be men is to take on great responsibilities.Do you wanna take them?

Remember when you were a kid and played with your cart, which always transported things to other places. Sure, you transported and imagined that you were carrying someone was carrying within your cart, right? My first wagon was an ambulance that lit the lights on the front and made the noise of the siren. I always thought: “I need to get to the hospital.” This desire for protection and responsibility is part of us men. Even if we have forgotten it, that feeling is stored in our memory.

See also:
:: Man and woman: the differences that complement (Translated by Google)

There, deep in the heart, the woman really wants a man that makes her happy and takes care of her. The world is telling us to enjoy life now and then worry about serious things. But our hearts do not work that way.Every bit of masculinity in us protests against it! God created us to be warriors, to fight for what is right and true love. This is not a dream.

I remember the scene from the movie ‘Real Steel’, in which Charlie is delivering his son, Max, to the care of his sister for he is not able and willing to educate him. He was literally running from the fight! It becomes clear that the boy already loved him and wanted to stay with him. The father (Charlie) then indignantly says, “You know I can not take care of you, I am not what you deserve. What do you want me to do? “. At that time, his eyes filled with tears, Max speaks something that took my breath away: “I just wanted you to fight for me.”

We are free, rational men, with one foot on land and one in eternity. We have intelligence to influence, direct, and form this world, making it worthwhile.What is your response to this proposal? What is your struggle? Where to start?

Our masculinity is not closed and sealed in our manly body, but in our whole being. You can not think that the man is one ‘ogre’ you are not bold and at the same time cozy. Is it not ironic that one day the world has been invited to choose between two views of man? 
Two models of man were presented on the day of the trial of Jesus before Pilate, Jesus the revolutionary man of love, a man of courage and emotion, lion and lamb; and Barabbas, a revolutionary fighter and he stole for a personal cause. “Bar Abbas” in Hebrew means “son of the father”.

And whom did the people chose?

Before the people gave the answer, Pilate tried to show who, in fact, was true man: Ecce Homo! Behold the Man! That’s what he said! But Jesus, they did not choose, instead, they killed Him!

I tried to show the model of man which we need to distribute. But the answer is yours, man! So which model will you follow? Who will live within you? Jesus or Barabbas? 


PhotoAdriano Gonçalves
adriano@geracaophn.comPortuguese Version