There are several elements that are relevant especially for us today in the Gospel and they center around Jesus’ explanations. Notice how most of the discussion centers around Jesus explaining the scriptures and showing how what happened was supposed to happen. This restores their faith and eventually they recognize Him in the breaking of the bread.
What we see here is again a series of expectations that led to great disappointment and disillusionment when in fact the expectations were too small to be true. They were actually false expectations.
Notice several other things, Jesus appears amidst disillusionment and disappointment and restores hope based on the truth. Notice also that you never see Mary in these scenarios among the disillusioned and disappointed. She knows the truth. The others have to learn and learn they do.
Many people, especially in North America and Europe are filled with disappointment at what they see in the Church and take that as an understanding that like in the words of the disciples on the way to Emmaus, our hopes appear are dashed. But, what do the scriptures say? Further, you and I have a better idea than even those disciples for we are looking at thousands of years of history and can measure it to what the scriptures said.
Every applicable prediction in the Old Testament has come true at this point. There were predictions that were not possible to understand at the time of Jesus’ Resurrection. They include such realities as the Gospel spread throughout the world and people coming from all over the world to worship in Jerusalem. These ideas were not even credible in Jesus’ time. Indeed, the concept of you visiting Jerusalem for a religious pilgrimage would have been as relevant as you visiting Mecca, which I do not think you plan to do in the near and far future. Why would you visit Mecca? You have no connection to that religion and they do not want you there if you are not Moslem. Therefore, the idea of someone visiting Jerusalem from a distant part of the Roman empire would have been just as absurd. They would have zero connection to the Jewish faith and would not be welcome in the Temple. It is an absurd idea. Yet, study the scriptures and see that they predict that in time the whole world would look to Jerusalem and worship the God of the Jews there. We have pretty much seen that prediction come true.
Many lament that the world is embracing Communist ideas and is doing its best to cast religion aside. That is true, Mary at Fatima said “Russia will spread her errors, but My heart will triumph.” Communism will fall.
There is no name throughout which we are saved except in Jesus. That is true as well, for it is only in Jesus that we have forgiveness of sins. I learned that at UMass Boston when taking a class on world religions. I discovered that the concept of forgiveness of sins was one foreign to other religions. In fact, some students were shocked by the concept. They do not come from religions where one is forgiven for sins.
However, let us take the same approach and look forward.
Many are saying that we are living in the Post Christian era, these are even American Catholic writers. That is a ridiculous idea. What? Did Jesus move to another universe? We are no more in the Post Christian era now, than the disciples at Emaus were in at their time. Yet, they felt they had concrete evidence that they were. Jesus died on a cross. That is about as Post-Christian as you can get. But they learned that He resurrected. Indeed, we are in a time I call the ante-parousia. (Parousia refers to Jesus’ return) If you study the scriptures and Catholic tradition you will see that the next major event to happen is the return of Christ. In your life, the next major apocalyptic event to happen to you personally is your own death, if Christ does not return first. In either case, this is what the scriptures tell us is what is next. Just as every prediction happened in the Old Testament about what we can now call Gospel times came true, we can with confidence trust that every prediction of what is next will also come true. Study the Scriptures, it is all there including the current times labeled by Monsignor Jonas Abib “the Age of Apostasy.” It is in scripture and tradition.
Therefore, just as the disciples on the way to Emmaus were restored to hope by understanding the scriptures, so should you be. Do not believe as others do that the Church is lost or that we are in post Christian times. Do not believe that there is no God or that the scriptures were some old fashioned writings relevant to few. Study the Scriptures and learn we are living in interesting times. We are not in the post Christian era, we are living in the ante-parousia. As Jesus warned his followers to be aware, and as Peter, Paul and all the Apostles preached from that moment on be aware, be sober and alert, so must we also be. Study the scriptures and you will learn as did the disciples at Emmaus that God’s plans for us are real and right on track.
Fr. Carr is an alliance member of the New Song Community (Canção Nova). He is the pastor of Holy Trinity Quincy, MA and is the editor of this blog. He is the author of several books, blogs and hundreds of videos all of which you may find on Youtube. He also has a regular radio program on WebRadio Canção Nova. Which he podcasts on Mixcloud and here on Catholicismanew.
You can follow him on twitter as @frbobcarr and on Google Plus as +Fr. Robert Thoughts, comments on the homily? Let us know at Facebook