God’s Word has only one mission: evangelize and proclaim the Christ from Genesis to Revelation
“Then Philip began talking and, from this passage of Scripture, Jesus announced to the eunuch” (At 35.8).
The grace of evangelizing is given to all the baptised, and their mission is to evangelize in the grace, strength and in the power of the spirit. To God, the one who preaches to 100,000 or a million is so graced as one who preaches to one person only. And the “just” here is redundant, because a person is worth as much as a million people in the heart of God!
That’s why God uses Philip to approach that Ethiopian eunuch, Minister to the Queen of Ethiopia. He was on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem, knew Scripture, but he didn’t know how to interpret it, so Philip approached him and asked: “do you understand what you are reading?”, because he had just read a passage from the Prophet Isaiah. The eunuch replied: “But how am I going to understand, if there’s no one to explain it to me?”. Philip, illuminated by the Spirit, full of divine grace, began to talk to him, explain the Scripture itself starting from Jesus, coming in him and giving a full sense to that passage.
Check it out: it’s a passage from the Old Testament, it in the book of the Prophet Isaiah, written many years before Christ. But it’s in Christ that all Scripture comes down, that every word of God comes to its full sense.
Sometimes people lose time, you want to explain the passages of the Bible starting from controversies, and verses that create difficulties; Sometimes they want scientific explanations when the word of God has only one mission: evangelize and proclaim Christ from Genesis to Revelation. Any passage of Scripture sends us to the person of Jesus Christ.
When we allow the Spirit do that in us, when we let him get possession of us, we don’t have to be doctorates in theology or hermeneutics; We don’t need to make biblical exegesis. We need only the simplicity of wanting to evangelize and proclaim the truth!
If it is true that one cannot interpret the Bible in his own way, to your wishes and to their personal taste, because interpretations emerge totally distorting the meaning of the Scriptures, but direct evangelism for us, is directed by God, and that’s what Philip is doing.
That is why the Minister to the Queen of Ethiopia, that eunuch, listen the docilely to Philip who has the word of God and can find the Christ in this passage.
Dear brothers and sisters, all Scripture is an invitation to find the Christ Jesus, to find our Lord and surrender our lives to Him. Evangelize announce Christ to one, two, three or a crowd of people, but what we can’t stop evangelizing!
God bless you!
Fr. Roger Araujo
Canção Nova community priest, journalist and collaborator of the Canção Nova Portal.