A heart that has Jesus as master teacher, Loves!
The word of God, today, helps us to understand, with a lot of beauty, that Jesus is our Teacher.
My community is ‘Coração Fiel’ [Faithful Heart], and when I introduce myself, I explain that it’s because of the heart of Jesus. We’re still in the process in which we can be faithful. It is important, when we hear talk of Jesus, we ask ourselves who really is our master.
I looked up the definition definition of the word “master”[mestre], and the Dictionary says master is a teacher who has good content, who is expert in the subject “. This does not apply to Jesus, because he is not only an expert, He is God.
We need to ask ourselves: “Is Jesus our master?”Many people say that He is their master, but regard the presence of him only as a companion; they do not allow the Lord to direct their lives.
The true obedience
To obey is not just do what I’m told. Before Jesus, do not just what he asks, you do must want he wants.From that moment, Jesus will be our master. He’s a master, because He obeyed the Father until the death of the cross.
Many do not obey the Lord and just resort to him after [things go wrong]. We need to take in our life the posture of obedient children.
“A master of the law came to Jesus and asked him: ‘ what is the first of all the commandments? ‘Jesus replied, ‘ the first is this: hear, o Israel! The Lord our God is one Lord ‘. ” (Mc 12, 28b-29)
When questionedabout the greatest commandment, He started with the verb ‘ to hear ‘. We need to hear, it is very important to a child that he listens to the advice of their parents.
Works of mercy
Corporal works of mercy
Feed the hungry, give drink to thirsty, clothe the naked, visiting the sick, visiting the prisoners, welcome the pilgrims and bury the dead.
It is necessary to know how to do works of mercy. What else do you need to do? Bring people hope.
Spiritual works of mercy
Teach those who don’t know, give good advice, support with patience the weaknesses of others, console the afflicted, comfort those in need, to forgive those who have offended us, pray for the living and the dead. A heart that has Jesus as master has these characteristics.
It is possible to love without liking, because love is not a feeling, but a decision, a behavior. And when you decide to love, you might start liking from that point forward. Jesus did not tell you to like everyone, he sent love. Love!
Who has Jesus as master of the heart, loves, obeys; and who obeys has stability in life. Obedience guarantee firmness and courage. The strength of the heart is guaranteed by obedience. Who has Jesus as master of the heart, has mercy, hope.
Portuguese Transcription and adaptation: Raheem Calixto