We need the seed of the word of God, its fruits so that our life in the spirit grows
“ The sower went out to sow. While raised, some seed fell on the edge of the path, and the birds came and ate “ (Matthew, 13 4).
The great grace we have in our lives is the word of God, sown and thrown in our heart, to produce life and fruits. We know that every good and seed well sown, cared for and treated will grow, be able to produce much fruit for our human survival.
If we need the fruits of the Earth for our human survival, then we need the seed of the word of God, its fruits so that our life in the spirit may grow. Someone may ask: “Why can’t I have a spiritual life? Why does my relationship with God not grow? Why does not my intimacy with the Lord happen? “. Often, it’s from laxness, or sloppiness and carelessness towards the word, which is sown in our hearts.
My brothers and sisters, we live in a time of plenty. The word of God is sown in our churches, in social networks, on television, on the radio, everywhere. The word reaches us like it never had before!
How hard it was for the ancients to have access to Word! First, because many couldn’t read; then, because the Bible was written in its original language, people had to go to church to listen very carefully to what the priests and pastors spoke, because, otherwise, they did not know the word. But they kept it as they listened!
Today, we live in the time of ‘ dispersion ‘, I mean, we live too dispersed, we get distracted and for anything. We hear the word, but we got the head concerned with other things;We are in the Church, but with a device in our hand, a smartphone, whatever! Look to see if it will play, if you’re going to show something.
We have a generation of young people, unfortunately, misplaced and lost, because they don’t know the word of God. The technologies are wonderful, bless each one of them, including why allow us to have access to Word. However, they distract us, steal from us the essential, do not allow us to dive into the word of God.
We are part, in fact, a generation scattered, totally careless and sloppy, you can’t focus on the word of God, because if the birds stole those seeds, as in the Word of Matthew 13, 4, you can pay attention to how many birds there are, every day, stealing our attention.
We are able to get out of the mass which we participate without even knowing what was reflected and Gospel preached. Excuse me if, often, any of my fellow priests or I don’t preach the word, but it is there, spoken by Jesus. Listen, listen, meditate, reflect and wait, in your life, the word that is announced every day. Only we did not grow up in the life of God, why don’t we give the word the due attention it deserves.
God bless you!