We Open Ourselves to the Grace of the Spirit

Let us open ourselves to the grace of the spirit, so that he may act in us and teach us to do the will of the Lord

“And you, who do you say that I am?” Simon Peter answered, “you are the Messiah, the Son of the living God” (Matthew 16.15).



Jesus praised and exalted Peter’s words: “Happy are you, Simon son of Jonah, because it was not a human being who revealed this, but my father which is in heaven. You are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church ” (cf. Matthew -18 16.17).

Look at that beauty! That it came from the heart of God is not a human thing, it was Peter who really noticed and allows us to see him as the model. Let the divine inspiration show you who Christ. So, he proclaimed, the bottom of his heart, what he saw in the presence of Christ. Others saw the graces, miracles and cures, but not recognized Jesus as the Messiah. Recognized in him a great prophet, an Elias, a John the Baptist, an Envoy of God.

Peter is saying the right thing, he truly recognized really the identity of Jesus: “He is sent. He is the Christ. He is the Messiah! “. Peter speaks that in Spirit, however, there is a problem, because Jesus proclaims all that, exalts Peter and the spirit within the apostle, but says: “don’t tell anyone, because the son of man will suffer, undergo many trials, will be delivered into the hands of men, and die because for our salvation”.

Peter rebukes him: “No! That will never happen to you! “. Jesus gives another answer: “get away from me Satan, because these thoughts are not of God. Now those are thoughts of the flesh “.

You see, in the same Peter, there is the action of the spirit and the flesh, there is the action of what is of God and comes from him, but also that which is not of the Lord, that comes from the human Peter, what’s your human flesh. Because our flesh and our human feeling don’t care about suffering, want to reject any form of cross and suffering.

Let me tell you: thank God, much of what we do and talk, much of what we take to others, is God, and he acts in us and through us.

Like Peter, we also got a lot of “carnal” and human experiences. Many times, they mix with the diabolical and what comes out of us, is not from God. When Jesus says: “get away from me!”, it is meant for Peter, to get rid of what is evil from, what is purely human and not mix it with the grace of God, the direction of grace within Him speaks.

We are and we seek to be disciples of the Lord, we seek to do his will, we must have discernment of the spirit and of grace, so that we may do things that are not just inspired by our human way of thinking but in the grace of God.

It is necessary to resort to divine grace, so that what we do is really of God and divine inspiration in us.

That God may help us not to live in the flesh and not to be guided by it, but to be open to the grace of the spirit, so that He may even act in us and teach us to do the will of the Lord.

God bless you!