Everywhere there is indifference
My brothers, it seems we are enveloped by a haze that takes us in such a way that it creates in us a terrible indifference to God and all the things that refer to it. It’s like pollution, which affects both poor as rich. This pollution which I am talking about, and that causes this indifference, is the spiritual pollution that affects us all. But we need to react.
We’re in a cold world, without feelings. People are killing each other with the greatest coolness, as if they were swatting mosquitoes. Today, they kill, steal and kidnap with the greatest indifference; It seems that love is frozen. There are many mothers and fathers, for example, that seem to have no more love for their children, because they are more involved with other things. If you don’t have love for children, imagine others … For these people, God does so mucy, but whatever God did, is just an accident in their lives. Because guiding our life in him and our love for him above all things is “going out of fashion”. It also reaches to the Christians and Catholics, consecrated priests and religious. I’m not criticizing, just saying that we need to react, being people who take in not only the word, but God himself.
We can’t be “stony ground”, people who believe that when problems come, God goes away. He has no place in our lives. It’s like in Bethlehem, when Mary and Joseph found no place for Jesus to be born.
Mark tells us that the seed fell on good soil. That’s what needs to happen to us, it is necessary that God comes to dwell within us, He come at us with everything he has right. We must react and not be indifferent, so that his presence in us can bear fruit of faith and love.
We need to be like San Francisco de Sales. He let himself be “tamed” by God, he wanted to take and became a Saint of the charity, meekness, very similar to Jesus Christ.
We need God Himself to make us men and women of love, of tenderness, of love and charity, which swim upstream against indifference. The Lord tells us to be “Oasis” of love in “desert” that this world has become. He tells us. We need to be owned and led by the Holy Spirit.We have to swim against the current and drag everyone close to us so that we can be people of faith. We need the Holy Spirit reinflame us, because he was the greatest charisma that we receive, because He is love itself.
“Lord, make us men and women possessed by the Holy Spirit.”
Your brother,
Monsignor Jonas Abib