Our heart’s desire is to be fully of God, but something has prevented us
Márcio Mendes, on the Canção Nova Program ‘ Smiling at Life ‘, invites us to look at our lives and see what has prevented us from being fully of God.
The meditated Word is in Hebrews 12.1 -4:
“Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us rid ourselves of every burden and sin that clings to us and persevere in running the race that lies before us while keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus, the leader and perfecter of faith. For the sake of the joy that lay before him he endured the cross, despising its shame, and has taken his seat at the right of the throne of God. Consider how he endured such opposition from sinners, in order that you may not grow weary and lose heart. In your struggle against sin you have not yet resisted to the point of shedding blood.“
There are things that we live and are not sins, but hinder our way of Holiness. St Paul in points out for us a path. He guides us to fix our gaze on Christ, because He goes before us and directs us to heaven. That we may not be discouraged, let us think of Jesus. That Word above builds in us every willingness to not give up.
Who is this “cloud of witnesses” described in the word? Is it those around us: our children, spouse, co-workers, friends. Are we observed at all times. Whoever says he is a person of God, will be observed by people and they charge us with attitudes of a servant of the Lord in the face of the persecutions, the fighting and slander.
What disturbs us be of God? What has kept us discouraged? What are our sins? Let us leave aside the irritation, the harsh words, lack of education, which makes us do evil and the sin that surrounds us.
Our goal in this life is to be happy, but we have to be good. How many people, attached to the misconceptions of happiness, think: “I’m going to be happy when I have money” or “I will be happy when I get married,” and so many other goals we become distracted from true happiness. For many, health becomes the most important and takes the place of religion and faith.
Let us leave aside the fear of failure. How many people giving up in life, because of the love os someone! We are cured on the road, not stagnating, but we continue. We are all bringing our interior frustrations and disappointments.
We will never live in fullness of our mission if you don’t get rid of what is weighing on our heart. What disturbs us from following our life? Sorrows, complexes, disappointments? To like a person, the first step is to accept him. If you don’t accept your son the way he is, you won’t be able to love him. Similarly, if you don’t love your father, your mother, your spouse, you will notsucceed in love.
The secret to winning is for you look at Jesus, who endured the cross in view of the joy that was waiting for him. At the moment we accepted Him, He liberated us. The secret to moving on is to keep our eyes fixed on the Lord.
Let’s face this day with reference to Jesus? Let’s dedicate ourselves with grit and perseverance to make this the greatest day of our lives. What could we do good and still haven’t done? With the grace of Jesus we take the first step and we come to the end. Let us remain fixed in thinking of Our Lord.
Márcio Mendes
Canção Nova Community mission
Portuguese Transcription and adaptation: Ariele Silva