Prayer needs to be constant and daily
It is in prayer, daily and constant, we find the strength that only God can give. We cannot pray today and then just pray in a week. Prayer must be constant, our life needs to be a prayer.
The knowledge of Jesus is something that must penetrate in all our lives, as the water penetrates in a sponge. Then, to know Jesus is to let this living water penetrate into our soul. It has to be abundant in our life. If a dry sponge is placed in a glass of water, in a moment it will be soaked. That should be our soul with the living water of God. When we dive into it with all efforts, works, joys, sorrows, sufferings, this dip brings us true happiness.
If we dive in the water alive, with all the problems, happy or sad, we’re out of that great well of God finding only happiness.
So, the only way to find peace and happiness is Jesus.
Your brother,
Wellington Garden (Eto)
Co-founder of the community and administrator of FJPII new song