When we cry, the Holy Spirit Washes Our soul
We are a body, and that body is suffering, but we have to take advantage even of our sufferings. They are part of everyone’s lives, and we cannot ignore them. So be happy of that your condition that makes you cry. It seems that the humiliation that makes us cry, that with each teardrop rolling out of our eyes is a sight for sore eyes of God.
The Lord sees us in the depths of our being. and this action is beautiful helping us benefit from our suffering! First, as I already mentioned, suffering is part of life for all. Then, there are those moments that one feels a bitterness in the heart, that squeezes inside, leaving us just to cry.
When we cry, the Holy Spirit washes our soul, which is impregnated with impurity and sin, so we suffer. The washing of the Holy Spirit in our interior causes the tears. In these moments, God takes advantage of coming directly to us, we are without masks, needy, and is in tears spilled from the heart that He can welcome us.
Your brother,
Wellington Garden (Eto)
Co-founder of the community and administrator of FJPII