“As for me, my happiness is to be close to God” (Ps 73,28)
It is fortunate, therefore, that he sincerely seeks the Lord and walks in His presence all day.
To have a full life depends only on us, from the opening of our heart to God. Many times, we want to build a happy life, full of joys and contentments, but far from God, distracted from His presence.
“Let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice. Seek the Lord and His power, do not cease to seek His face “(Ps 105: 3-4).
The psalmist thus expressed himself, because he made this great experience, remembering the deeds of God, faithful to the history of His people.
Let us be free today to ask Jesus to take care of us. I often pray like this: “Take care of me, Jesus.”
Jesus I trust in you!
Luzia Santiago
Co-founder of the Canção Nova Community