Blessed is he who offers himself in sacrifice to God.
The love of God is always looking for us and wants to establish with us a covenant, giving us a new life in the power of the Holy Spirit. (See Hb 8,10b.12)
We – in the Catholic Church – have a renewing grace that liberates and heals all evils: the sacraments of Penance and the Eucharist, which the Lord Himself makes available to all believers. “I will forgive their iniquities, and I will remember their sins no more.
Blessed is he who offers himself in sacrifice to God every time he celebrates or communes “(Imitation of Christ). The Father’s love for us is unconditional and effective. The Lord will give us all that is good!
Jesus I trust in you!
“I will put my laws in your mind and engrave them in your heart, and I will be your God, and they will be my people … For I will have mercy on their sins and I will remember their sins no more” (Heb 8: 10b.12)
Luzia Santiago
Co-founder of the Canção Nova Community