Prayer demands of us effort and constancy, faithfulness and perseverance
It is fantastic, fascinating and seductive to walk the path, the adventure of prayer through the centuries, the Word of God, the saints, mystics and men and women who, without any theological pretension, are authentic masters of dialogue with the Lord of life. There is no faculty that gives the title of pray-ers, mystics and mystagogues, although many people can present themselves with these titles.
Only constant humility and learning make us capable of making mistakes. Only those who err seem to feel that they are far from being able to say that they pray well and therefore they seek for light and strength in those who have been consecrated by the Church as authentic pray-ers. Meditating on the life and doctrine of prayers from various eras can undoubtedly stimulate us in our journey of personal encounter with the Lord.
Prayer is a way of intimacy with the Lord
Each one tells us something interesting, others travel different paths, but the starting point and the arrival are always the same. What changes are the means, the methods.
The starting point
Our finite, poor, limited human reality, when it is drawn to a violent force, seeks serenity, the unlimited, the complete, and knows that this can only exist within itself, but at the same time comes from someone who is bigger and in and out of it. It is totally different, the different one that in Jesus of Nazareth becomes one of us, takes on our flesh, lives with us to teach us how we should pray, live, assume life, share and manifest love to the last No one has greater love than one who lays down his life for his friends (Jn 15:13).
The point of arrival
Always the point of arrival of the prayer will be the loving encounter with God, the dialogue with Him about love, is to become an intimate friend of the Lord. Prayer has this purpose and nothing more. It is not, therefore, quantitative, but qualitative. God sees our heart and expects to find love in us. To stand face to face with Him, we need faith, silence, and love, a strong hope that will not allow us to be discouraged by the manifold silences of God.
We have seen that dialogue with God demands effort and determination on our part. It is not easy, it requires constant exercise. As in all things, without perseverance one arrives at nothing. Also, in prayer, the key words are faithfulness and perseverance to the project assumed. Never stop praying, even if nothing is perceived and or felt. Prayer must always be at the center of our activities.
Frei Patrício Sciadini
Excerpt from the book “Como Rezar?” [How to Pray?)