The path of holiness requires determination and commitment
In Genesis, the Bible tells us that the earth was in chaos, but the Spirit of God hovered over chaos. And this same Spirit wants to act in our humanity and help us towards Heaven.
We need to submit to the action of the Holy Spirit to become what God wants. With this, we will be better men and women, professionals, parents, husbands and wives. The grace of God works in us so we can live what He wants from us.
How should the Christian live?
The apostle Paul explains that in order to live in communion with the Lord, we must sacrifice the actions that keep us from Him.
We often worship God only when we are praying, whether at Mass or in a time of worship. However, it is in the daily life that we also need to live our faith.
We must recognize that we are weak and then open to the action of the Holy Spirit. Without God we are nothing!
We all have weaknesses, so we can not go it alone. Our weaknesses are fought against with the help of the Paraclete. However, overcoming them also depends on us.
Silent Preaching
We were not meant to be converted to be Christians only within the Church, but to be Christians in the whole world.
The world needs us to live our daily conversion into a silent announcement of the Gospel, through our daily witness.
One of the temptations that persecutes us is conformism. We tend to settle for situations. Often, we want to stay in a quiet place, and this is contrary to conversion, because it happens in the change of life.
Often we value things too much and cling to the material goods we have conquered, but we forget that we need to change inwardly for a better world.
We cannot forget that we are passing through this world. Therefore, it is necessary to ask ourselves how we are walking our way to Heaven.
Today, we have the opportunity to begin our lives again, crying out to God for His infinite Mercy.
God’s way is a path of progress that demands determination and commitment!
Fabricio Neto