It is Necessary to Work for the Salvation of Our Loved Ones

It is necessary to work for and want the salvation of our loved ones. You are in places where we. the priests, cannot be, and you need to be the evangelizer where you work and for the people God puts in your path
We need to want salvation of those in such places. you are near to these persons and you can speak and act with them. First  by your own presence, as one of the Lord, therefore, you cannot be a irritable person.
We cannot be like plaster saints as many say, they also recognize that we do things differently and this is the way we need to be, for when things press upon them, they look to us.

Pray and don’t lose your opportunity. Realize you mission.

God Bless you,
Your Brother,
Msgr. Jonas Abib
Founder of the New Song Community.

Translated from Spanish