How Should I Pray?

Today, the Lord comes to teach us how to head to the Father. Praying is not citing formulas but it is above all opening one’s heart and speaking to he Lord. It is recollecting, in silence that we encounter the Lord through prayer.

Many times, until the Lord attends us, it is necessary to pound the same key, to insist in the same prayer and to believe in the certain moment that His providence will happen in our lives.

The first teaching of Jesus in relation to prayer was to calling God Father, “that my will may not be done but his” That nothing happens as I want, but as God wants.

Jesus teaches us to bless the name of the Lord. I need to pray the Our Father, not as a simple repetition  of words, but meditating with great love, knowing and savoring that which we are praying.
It is the complete prayer, it contains all the grace of our spiritual growth.

God bless you.

Your Brother,

Monsignor Jonas Abib

Translated from Portuguese