Where, Who? Tell Me! I Need to Meet Him!

Everyone dreams of the enchanted prince coming on a white horse, with impeccable hair, without snot in his nose, nor bad early morning breath, without manias, tics. Just Perfect!

Everyone has defects, it serves no one to look for the perfect man, the search would be in vain. for the more special that the person may be, late or early, you will encounter a defect in him or her. This not only refers to a boy or girlfriend, but it applies also to friends, in our relationships with our parents, and brothers and sisters in the house. The worse thing is not in seeing the defects of the other, but rather that we stop seeing them in ourselves. For example, when you discover that your friend brings a determined defect, then for this reason, you decide to stop being his/her friend. or you accuse him or her for their defects. When that happens you just lost an opportunity, a great opportunity to help someone change and to be better. Leaving our pride aside, What do you think of our defects, What does the gospel say? “How can you say to your brother: allow me to take the splinter our of your eye, when you have a log in your own?” Will it be that my defects are not worse then others?

When we experience our courtship, I know of those who spent years and years choosing someone and then end up being alone. I am not saying that you will make someone your fiancé just because he or she is the first that may appear. But if you are putting a magnifying glass in front of the limits of the other, could you be closing your eyes to the qualities s/he has? There exist persons that do not have friends for this reason. If the person with whom you live were to be perfect; this would increase your pride. Our defects make us be more humble. Thank God for the limits of those that are part of your life.

Andrea Taisa de Moura
New Song Community.

translated from spanish

Photocredit: Public Domain