You Will Be Made Perfect

You will be perfect as is perfect your Heavenly Father, (cf Mt 5:48.) You will be perfect through the will of God, through the disposition of God, you will be perfect as my Heavenly Father is Perfect.

This is a great action of the Holy Spirit. The Father trusts to the Holy Spirit this great work, thus, as the beginning of the Bible says. God took mud and clay, he molded and modeled the man, the creature from the mud of the Earth. We are a work of art equally that is the work of the Holy Spirit, to shape us, mold us, to make us perfect as the Heavenly Father is perfect, this is to make us in the image and likeness of the Father.

This is not that notion of perfection that we have from time to time mathematically. An irreproachable person, No!. It is as you and many of us that already know who have worked with modeling clay. Modeling clay is an art, because also when you shape it, you perceive all the perfections in the process. The model is going to become perfect quickly, No! It is for this reason that the piece of art needs to keep being modeled and modeled. You are being modeled. This is a true creation that is made by hands.

But in the end this that which you wanted, that which you asked for is created and it is perfect and of the skill that you wanted. See the perfection made of imperfections. The notion of ours is to the contrary that perfection has to be perfect from the beginning, No! God is capable of and our own experience shows us that it is possible to be made of imperfection, the perfect, comes from of imperfection.

The Holy Spirit takes our imperfections, but still the modeling shows many imperfections, but He is not give up and you too don’t give up. He does not stop working on you, he gives you time. if you give Him a chance. He is making you until what is said is: “This is the image and likeness of the Father, this is perfect as the Father is perfect”. Of course it is in your reality as a human creature, the Divine Holy Spirit makes from you the image of the Father.

God bless you,
Your Brother,
Monsignor Jonas Abib

Translated from Portuguese