The Laborious Time of Spiritual Dryness

Spiritual dryness helps us in the conquest of humility, it makes us understand that all comes from God and in all we depend on Him. The love of God for us is purely gratuitous.

This laborious time makes us understand that He is the lord of gifts and of their distribution according to the manner that pleases him. We are not those whom should speak orders to God, He is the Lord, He is God, He is free and we are His servants. Thus God purifies us. One may suffer a lot, but this is redemptive suffering.

We learn to serve God without taste for doing it. We learn to look to Him in all moments. We learn that our eyes should be fixed on Him. 

Thus, God builds our faith, He impels us not to give-up the search of practice of the good and teaches us the road of constancy as occurred with St. Teresa who, for years, had doubts of the presence of Jesus in the Eucharist, but did not stop making Eucharistic adoration.

It is through the medium of this exercise that builds virtue. As I have the habit of saying to those in the New Song Community: 10% is inspiration and 90% is perspiration.

Your Brother,
Monsignor Jonas Abib
Monsignor Jonas is the founder of the New Song Community of Cachoeira Paulista, Brazil.