Being Like Little David

We are in the time of returning to the Lord. We need to mature in faith and in this time, we have to see the manifestation of God among us. The Lord chose David to be King, little David, and this makes the boy feel uncomfortable. Here in the war with the Phillistines, (1Sm 17:20-51) Goliath made a threat and no one wanted to face him. David is angered because Goliath threatened the people of Israel and insulted the name of God; For this reason, David fought him and defeated him with a simple stone.

It was the Word of the Lord that reached Goliath. Perhaps if David was like the others, he would not advance, but he was certain of his objective. Many times we may remain too involved to resolve some thing, instead of giving that one shot. We do not remain involved when we give that one on target shot and what we are fighting falls like Goliath.

Many times, the people remain at the margin of the grace of God, Many times we are afraid of confessing. We need to listen. We need to encounter God. David had this encounter and was rewarded with the grace of God. Are we not all consecrated in our baptism and don’t we have this grace that we receive living inside of us. How have you lived your baptism?

Look at David. May we have this same attitude coming among us. That we may come to the light that we may pay attention to the grace of God that is among us. The light of the Lord comes among us and is at hand. He will come to address our needs.

You yourself may be feeling small to the Lord who wants to make you a warrior like He made David. It is worth the effort to be seek to be like God, it is worth the effort to be a saint, it is worth the effort to be a warrior for Christ in which the weapon we use, as Paul states in Epehsians, is the word of God.

Homily of Father Márcio José do Prado
Missionary of the New Song Community

Fr. Marcio is recently ordained for the New Song Community at the mother house in Cachoeira Paulista, Brazil. -ed.

Translated from Portuguese