It is in the Intimacy with Jesus that We Encounter the Peace that We Seek

The word of this day is for choosing the peace that comes from the Lord, fruit of the Holy Spirit, it is a promise of God for us, and we need to be conscious of this. The first question that we may be able to make is this. How are we going to acquire this peace, if it takes so much time that this peace has not visited us. Will it be, perhaps, that God failed at his promise?

The miracle always will be two way. God does his part but we need to do ours. 50% of a miracle that we may truly have peace is through going to the Lord of peace. Peace is not a fruit that comes perhaps but it is the fruit of intimacy with the Lord.

Jesus teaches us the sharing of his life that we need to immerse our life in the profound intimacy with God. Peace never comes from outside, but from inside. The Lord is inside of our heart, He lives in the place most intimate and there in the personal encounter with Jesus. In this intimacy of love that He comes to give peace.

Peace is not the absence of suffering. No, it is that we do not have to fight anymore. How can we hope for something in this world if our happiness is in eternity. Peace signifies that in the middle of sufferings and tribulations, we understand that the Lord of our life is Jesus.

We need to live in intimacy the example of Jesus who passed the entire night in prayer that we may leave the way of our life and climb the mountain, leaving he Lords of our life that our problems often become, to the Lord who brings us peace out of the pain of this life.

Father Marcos Pacheco
Canção Nova Community

Translated from Portuguese