The year of 1929, St. Faustina wrote in her diary:
One day during the Holy Mass, I felt the closeness of God in a special way. Although distancing me and moving me away from God. Taking me many times from God because I did not want to be the victim of a bad spirit as many times they told me that I was. I this uncertainty lasted a long time.
During, the holy mass and before the communion, there was a renewal of vows. When we left the kneelers and began to pronounce the formula of our vows, suddenly Jesus appeared at my side in white vestments, with a belt of gold and he said to me, I confer on you eternal love in order that your purity may be unpolluted and as proof of those whom that never you will suffer temptation impure.
Jesus takes his belt of gold and put on my belt. From this moment I did not have any type of temptation against virtue not in my heart, not in my mind. I understood much later that this is one of those major graces that was obtained for me through the Holy Virgin Mary, because I asked him for this grace for many years. From then I had a major devotion for Our Lady. It was she that taught me to love God interiorly and in all to complete his Holy will.
You are Joy O Mary, because through you God came to earth and to my heart.
May we ask Our Lady, so good a mother that also gives to us through Jesus, the grace of purity of body and heart, the gift of love the God interiorly and doing the will of the Lord. Three very important graces for our salvation.
With Love,
Ione Maria!
Translation from Portuguese