The Lord Does Not Treat Us According to Our Faults

This refrain from the Psalms “He does not treat us as our sins demand.” This is an echo of the mercy of God for our ears. If God were to treat us as our faults demand, we would be lost, without salvation. Our faults would demand hard things upon us, if God was not merciful; but He is. Always He uses Love with us. He descended into our mercy and rescued us from the condition in which we found ourselves.

Ask the Lord in this day to descend into your troubles and to save you. Pray this today.

Lord, come to the troubles of my life, of my sin, of my fear, of my faults, of my lack of faith, of my illness, of my unemployment, of my depression, of my unfaithfulness. . .
Thus as the Lord comes into our mercy, we need to enter into the mercy of others, of our brothers/sisters, of the person who betrayed us, hurts us, injures us, in order to save and to give pardon.

Lent is also to allow God to come into our struggles and for us to enter the struggles of others.

God bless you,

Father Reinaldo

Father Reinaldo is a consecrated member of the New Song Community and writes from the Archdiocese of Palmas in the state of Tocantins, Brazil

Translated from Portuguese