Friendship That Begins in God Remains Forever

Friendship that begins in God, remains eternally!

When we want to have a strong friendship with God, it is necessary to water the moments with a friend.

But how to you water them? How do you do this?

Prayer is the response

This is the route most simple and concrete in order that our prayers may arrive at the heart of God.

To be a friend is also to love the other. It is to love, and to suffer oneself. It is to do the good.

If we pray for our friend, we are doing an act of love. I am asking the blessings of Heaven, the graces necessary for him.

All this is love.

This mode of friendship makes itself strong. And if this friend does the same for you, the friendship become stronger.

When we pray, we remain more intimate in Jesus. Thus it becomes much more easy to realize the will of Him in our lives. We listen more to the voice of God. This mode, Jesus give us the ability and teaches us to love.

This is the grace of God.

It is necessary to pray, it is necessary to be near God for thus to love and to be loved.

A good friendship accompanies a good life of prayer and intimacy with God.

Think of this.

Peace and Goodness to all.

Claudia Guedes

Translated from Portuguese