CNBB: Statement of Solidarity with Pope Benedict XVI

Please Note: The following is translated from Portuguese. Please do not consider this translation the most accurate interpretation of the CNBB statement, instead please consider it the most available and consult the original text for a better understanding. The link to that text follows the text itself.-ed.

CNBB: National Conference of Bishops of Brazil

The Catholic People of all the world are following with deep sorrow in their hearts, the reports of numerous cases of sexual abuse of children and adolescentes practiced by people tied to the Church, particularly fathers [priests] and religious. The press have noted with an uncommon insistence, cases that happened in the United States, in Germany, in Ireland and also in Brazil.

Without fear of the truth,  Pope Benedict XVI not only recognized publically these grave errors of members of the church, he also asked pardon for them. This gives us the witness of the pastoral letter that the Holy Father sent to the Catholics of Ireland and can be expressed to the Catholics of all the world.

More than this, Benedict XVI was not afraid to express his embarrassment and shame before these acts that tarnished the Church itself. Firmly, the Pope condemned the attitude of those that drove such cases in an inadequate manner and, with determination, affirmed that those involved should be judged before tribunals of justice. Not lacking to the Pope also, he showed to all the horizon of the mercy of God, the only one capable of helping the human person overcome his traumas and brokenness.

To the victims, the Pope expressed his awareness of the irreparable harm to which they were submitted. Benedict XVI said: You suffered tremendously and for this I feel profound disgust. I know that no one can undo the evil that you endured. Your trust was betrayed and your dignity was violated. It is understandable that you may have difficulty pardoning or reconciling yourself with the Church. In her name, I express openly the shame and remorse that we all feel.”

It is lamentable, however, that the dissemination of news related to these unjustifiable crimes transformed itself into a defamatory campaign against the Catholic Church and against the Pope. They leave us particularly perplexed, these frequent and systematic attacks against Pope Benedict XVI, as if then Cardinal Ratzinger had been uncaring before this abominable practice or conniving it. However, an objective analysis of the facts and statements themselves involved in the scandals reveal the fragility of these accusations. The Pope upon recognizing publically the errors of the members of the Church and upon asking pardon for this practice, does not merit this treatment, it hurts too a great part of the Brazilian people that suffer with these difficult moments, and pray for the victims and their families, for the guilty, but also for the tens of thousands of priests that in the whole world bring honor to their vocation.

In fact, “The immense majority of our priests are not involved in this gravely condemned problematic reality. Probably, not even 1% are involved. On the contrary, the other 99% of our priests, in general, are men of God, worthy, honest and untiring in giving of their energy to their ministry, to evangelization, in favor of the people, especially in service to the poor and to the marginalized, to the excluded, to the wronged and suffering of all type.” (cf Cardinal Cláudio Hummes, 12°ENP).In the moment in which the Catholic Church and the proper person of the Holy Father suffer hard and unjust attacks, the National Conference of Bishops of Brazil expresses its most profound union with the Pope Benedict XVI and their full committment and total fidelity to the Successor of Peter.

The Passover of Christ that we celebrate this week, brings us to affirm with the Apostle Paul: “We are afflicted in every way, but not constrained; perplexed, but not driven to despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed; (2Cor 4:8-9) In our faith we are guaranteed the certainty of the victory of light over this darkness, of good over bad; of life over death.

Translated from Portuguese