Enough of a Breach and Evil Enters Us!

If you maintain your resentments and attitudes, without pardoning this or that person, the same with someone of your family; if you are a hard father who never talks with your son or daughter because he or she deceived you; if you continue with a nasty heart, resentful, cultivating frustrations and deceptions, if thus you feed negative feelings in relation to the Church, to the priest, religious, parish, whatever movement to which you belong, you are ceding a place for that one that never pardons and never is merciful and is opposed to Jesus, you are ceding the throne of your heart to evil.

The Devil is keen! if he is not able to enter through adultery or robbery, hatred or vengeance, he does it through resentment, deception. But his objective is to enter, enough the create a rift.

He dominates persons like using the foolish of the cigarette, therefore, knows well that your life depends on oxygen, on respiration. He known that each minute that you blood is renewed through the oxygen that we breath, so he incites us to smoke to enter our blood: the more we smoke, the more contamination enters to the whole organism. And the assasine that does this! Do not think that he considers this any kind of vice.

Whomever lets himself raise whatever armor of the temptor, the stronger he tries to appear, one does not have strength to fight against evil and cedes all resistance. Have you decided to be with the Lord, or are you going to be always weak and cede all, resentment, impure thoughts. . .

Whomever does not have the courage of putting an end to the little things, even that appear inoffensive, who is not faithful in the little, will not be so in the great. It is necessary to remove from our heart all evil!

Fr. Jonas Abib

Translated from Portuguese

from the book “Céus Novos uma Terra Nova” by Msgr. Jonas Abib