How to Obtain the Victory in Christ

Hello Brothers and Sisters of the Blog:

How is your day today? In the moment that you woke up, did you thank God for the simple fact that you woke up? Were you with your children, your loved ones and did you arrive at work without nothing bad happening to you. You could not perceive nor understand, but is the hand of God leading your road.

Therefore, that you need to do something to live the day inspired, annointed by God, a holy day. With many realizations and walking the path of the Lord, to achieve a true victory. Something really worth it.

At times, we make decisions that arrive running over whatever forecast. managerial, administrative and principly personal. You find that I have some moments of victory as administrator of an institution that grows daily.

Also I live in a world of peace and of confidence, and I am invited by God to be a channel of His presence, in order that someone at my side may, at least, smile a little bit more.

All this happens through daily personal demands. Do not leave it for tomorrow that which you can do today, now in this exact moment that you read this blog, Have a moment with God and ask Him for the grace of which this day may become blessed for you and for all persons that you may encounter.

May God bless you, today and always,

Your Brother in Christ


Eto (pronounciation Eh-Toh) is the Administrator of Canção Nova, Cachoeira Paulista, Brazil

Translated from Portuguese