Pregnancy: A Contagious Joy!

Yesterday, 24 of June, St. John the Baptist’s day, was a day of the visit of God in my life and in the life of my family!

I learned something that a blood test confirmed: I am pregnant!!!! What a marvel, my God!!!!

We were keeping this moment!!

The news of a pregnancy, always brings me an interior joy, very great, that takes account of all of my being; live is renewed and I feel very loved by God!

Someone could say: but it is the fourth son or daughter! (In truth it is the fifth boy or girl, for the first called Moses, is in Heaven, interceding for us.)

Just also to contemplate the satisfaction of the daddy, Fabio, my husband and the smile stamped on the little faces of my 3 sons, to see that the joy takes count of our life and of our house!
I can affirm that each boy or girl is unique! This is significant, that each pregnancy, each child, is unique! So thus, I can explain size of the joy that I am feeling!

The children say: Congratulations Mother; you are pregnant!!!!

And they begin raising question, from Elias; for example: Mother, the baby eats inside of your womb? How does he eat? You are giving food for him?

for Amabile, 2 years old, I say that I have a baby in the womb of the mother, and she remains seeking lifting my blouse and asking if the baby is hidden.

Gabriel a few days ago asked me for lasagna. Yesterday I resolved to make it. After we all ate, I asked him:
“You are happy because mother makes lasagna for you.

He responded: “I am happy because you have a baby in your womb!” He asked if he could put his hand on the baby, when born and if he could bring me to the doctor.
What a beautiful thing!

I hope to infect you [with my enthusiasm] for a life is a gift from God; and the son is a blessing that arrives!

I am disposed to have all the children that the Lord wants me to have. I ask this grace for you too!

As St John Vianney, The Cure D’ars: “Many mother are going to be accountable to God for the children they did not have.”

That this may not be the fear, but the love that may bring you to bring forth many children for God!

I would not be able to share with you this present from God!

For you, that are having difficulty in getting pregnant, I am asking the Lord that he shower over you the blessing of fertility! That you may be touched by a miracle.

A great fraternal hug.
Gilmara Lira

Translated from Portuguese