God Uses Everything to Reach Us

Because of information that we receive through music, newspapers, magazines, books, films and the internet, various questions grow in the heart of the youth, for they give MUCH value to all of this.

Therefore, we reject the voice of God who speaks to us through the medium of our fathers, to whom the circumstances of life give experiences; therefore, we do not have the right to despise them in their corrections.

God uses everything to reach us.

When Jesus walked on the Earth, he toured cities and towns preaching the Gospel in synagogues, curing people and doing miracles, freeing the people of all evil and of all sickness. He had compassion on them. Compassion is the same as suffered with. It was ths that Jesus upon seeing the situations of people, He knew how much the people needed.
”When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.” (Matt 9, 36 NIV).

Perhaps you never went to a farm of recuperation for drug addicts; a house that supports the carrier of the HIV virus in its terminal phase or a cancer hospital, a nursing home or never made a meal with the homeless under a bridge. Jesus does this always. He walks through the darkest places, especially through those that that no one wants to be near.

The Holy Father, Pope John Paul II called us to be the one that should be, thus, we may set fire to the whole world as Samson did with the foxes let loose in the middle of the wheat fields of the Phillistines-and therefore, we would be in these places with this objective, set afire, with love, the hearts of those that suffer.

We are born of the breath of God, therefore, we accept the challenge of suffering with those that suffer, experiencing the compassion of God for them through us.
The sons of God are losing the dignity of sons. We do not have time to lose remaining in the house with our feet up, waiting for situations to change. The harvest is great, many are being lost. It is the hour of going to meet the youth, many need our prayers. But only if we give them the steps, living the radicality of the proposals of God for us.

Dunga – New Song Community

Translated from Portuguese