The Role of the Priest is to Excite People about Jesus

Vatican City–The priestly role is to excite people of Jesus is what defines the message today of His Excellency Msgr Mauro Piacenza, Secretary for the Congregation for the Clergy

Preaching in English at the Basilica of St. John Lateran at a conference entitled Il Dono Del Sacerdozio (The Gift of Priesthood) Monsignor Piacenza indicated that the priest had to be excited about Jesus so that he could excite the people. He warned that priests could not give what they did not have, and so they need to understand that their role is to bring healing, joy and peace to the people through a relationship with our Savior.

Citing Genesis 24, he used the role of the servant of Isaac and Abraham as an example of that of Catholic priest. As this servant was so excited about his masters, that he led Rebecca to be excited to be the wife of Isaac, so must we be excited about our master so that others will desire to meet Jesus, the Monsignor taught.

He told the priests the importance of allowing their hearts to be stirred up, so that they could stir the hearts of others.  He reminded those present that it is through Christ living in us, that we draw our strength.

The Conference, hosted by the International Catholic Charismatic Renewal Services continues throughout the day and is part of the celebrations of the final days of the year of the priest.

Report by Fr. Robert J Carr reporting from Vatican City

See live video of the event at: New Song Community (Canto Nuovo) web page from Rome.