The Urge to Go on Mission 1st Day of the Priest Year

Rome, Italy June 9, 2010–Canção Nova News–This day initiated the encounter of the closing of the priest year, promoted by the Congregation for the Clergy

Due to the great number of priests, there was the need to host this event in two places divided by various languages. Basilica of St. Paul outside the Wall, in English, German and Italian and in the Basilica of St. John Lateran in Portuguese, French and Spanish.

The events taking place in the Basilica of St. Paul Outside the ùWall, and the priests present in the Basilica of St. John Lateran were also seen through television monitors distributed throughout the Basilica.

Check out the pictures of the events at the Basilica of St. Paul Outside the Wall.

The moments of prayer, as adoration and the Holy Mass were lived through those present in each Basilica.

At the end of the morning many experienced the various moments marked by a climate of joy and fellowship. A special experience was the preaching of Cardinal Joachim Meisner, Archbishop of Cologne, that focussed on various points of live and experience of the priests.

Check out the pictures of the mass

The highest point of the morning the Holy Mass for this first day of the encounter of the closing of the Sacerdotal year, Bishop Mauro Piacenza, spoke that the objective of this year of the priest, was to renew the awareness of priests and laity for the experience of sacerdotal life and spirituality.

Inviting them to return to Him from where came all the efficacy of mission, with a humble heart, trusting and joyful embrace through the Word, Prayer and Eucharist that is the center and the source.

Translated from Portuguese