My Lord and My God

Lord, Look well at me! Focus your eye over my life. I know that you love me. My life is completely flooded in faith that you life. I believe in life, Lord Jesus, in the life that you give me, that you concede to me, that you offer me. I believe that your victory over death, over death, over discouragement, over the death of falsehoods, over the death over divisions, over the death that does not feel life.

I believe solemly that leaving the world of death that you life fully. I believe and affirm now: you are the living one that gives life. You Lord, but today, your friend Thomas makes me think. Many times I have will of putting my fingers in your wounds. I have the will to put my hand in your open side to be certain. It is, Lord, that times I want to be certain.

The faith appears to me a risk, it appears that I am embroiled in a dark night, the others, the others say my faith is a lie. They say that I am wrong, that I am perplexed, confused, lost, lost. That which appears important in certain moments is to respond to evil with evil, desperation with more desperation, falsehood with falsehood.

It appears that I don’t believe that you are alive and that you continue to give me strength to live your golden dream of making the world an immense house of brothers. It is for this that in this solemn hour in which I am with you, I cry out with Thomas, My Lord and My God. My Lord and My God. Madly, desperately, immensely I want  to scream out: My Lord and My God. Amen.


Translated from Portuguese