Divine Providence Over Human Providence

Recently, I was going over one of Monsignor Jonas’ teachings, where he talks about the difference between living in the world’s system and in Christ’s. He was talking about how much we live by the world’s system of trusting in human providence. However, God calls us to trust in Divine providence. That, Monsignor Jonas explains, is first a harder thing and one that we have to learn.

One of the most important words in the Gospels comes from St. Mark. There, Jesus calms the storm after the apostles complain that he is not doing enough to prevent them from sinking. He then says to them those important words. “Why were you afraid?” He chided them for focusing on what could happen, without trusting that their Savior was with them in these difficult times.

When you are afraid, see where you focus your concerns, then bring them to God. The real problem is that you are afraid of something happening, but in the meantime you can see, that to trust in God, you must live every moment in the difficulty knowing that God is with you. That can be difficult, but it is a form of training not to worry. It is a hard skill to learn, but the more you learn it, the more you can trust in Divine providence, when those around you who reject God are chasing after a providence that can no longer sustain them.

Remember the image in the bible of the tree planted near running water. This is what God wants for us. He wants us to be a tree planted near running water that is always nourished and strong. Trust that God will sustain you, even when all the world remains worried about what tomorrow will bring. God is with us today. He will be with us tomorrow. He was always with us yesterday.

God bless you.

Fr. Robert J. Carr

Fr. Carr is an alliance member of the New Song Community, the Pastor of St. Benedict Parish in Somerville, MA and the editor of this blog.