Campaign of Prayer to Take Down Walls

My Friends,

Yesterday, we began a campaign of prayer over 7 Wednesdays, where we are going to ask God to breakdown all the walls that we have in our life: unemployment, illness, doubt, vices, division, adultery, all that separates us from God and from happiness.

God speaks to us concretely . . . that we have to leave self-indulgence and advance in the spiritual life, in our search for holiness in all that we do. It is not enough to be good, no we have to remain looking and expecting the grace of God in our lives, God has much to realize in us. Only receives little who desires little. The Lord wants always to give much. If we read the Gospel we can are going to perceive this, Our God is more than abundant.

The late dearly beloved Father Leo, already taught us with such propriety: It is to need to have a goal, and our goal is very grand. Whomever accustomed himself with little things cannot go to heaven. Heaven is for those that have the great dream, think big and love big and have the courage of living small, this is Heaven.” Therefore, we need to dream big dreams thing big and love in a grand form, this demands that each one of us walks away from self-indulgence.

The prophet Elisa received a double portion of the spirit of Elijah because he was not self-satisfied, but instead, he overcame his limitations, followed his master to the last moment, and God confirmed him in the doubled anointing of the Holy Spirit. There were fifty sons of prophets who remained looking, analyzing, and comfortable and they experienced nothing, because they did not look to the great things that the Lord wanted to concede to them. And you do you love your brother, Are you going to be accustomed to a little, or are you going to look for all of God? He wants to give, but it is necessary to desire from the foundation of the heart and to look without fear, to advance, this is motto of the day: leave comfort and advance! Alleluia!

The theme of our campaign of these seven weeks of calling for the fall of the walls is a fantastic text of St. Paul: The weapons of our combat do not of flexh. they are powerful weapons in the eyes of God, capable of toppling walls. (2 Cor 10:4) We are going to journey in these seven wednesdays in the promise and in the annointing of this word from St. Paul. Do not have doubt, God will do great things, already he began doing things yestereay.

In this week, we are going to use the weapon of prayer, constant and disciplined, prayer with the Word, and the texts that inspire us to prayer this week of combat are in the letter to the Ephesians: Eph 1:16-20 and Eph 3:14-19. Hands on, leave comfort and investing in prayer, to be victorious and to experience the graces, the blessing and the miracles, the powerful action of God.

Count on Me!

I am very united to you in prayer!

In the love of Christ who unites us,

Fr. Roger Luis,

Translated from Portuguese