Rest Time, Time of Growth

It is interesting to think of the wisdom of God, From creation, one day per week is for stopping. From time to time, a sabbatical year brings the same idea as resting…(Cf. Gn 2,2; Lv 16, 31; 26,2; Dt 5, 12) It is important to stop. This stopping does not mean paralysis uncommitting onself. But on the contrary, a healthy period for the body, the mind and the spirit. It is time from the middle of the year… and gives an opportunity for a small stop, especially in our studies. Enjoy it!

There are moments of family, of leisure, also of prayers and reflections. We may be creative in love, in our homes and in our lives. The parish feasts and that of regional culture have become, each time more, points of encounter of various generations and are also opportunities of healthy rest. They are approved to be joined in the house and in the community.

It is good to combine the free time with that which brings us to personal growth, cultural and social growth. Transforming life into a feast. In truth the history of each one of us is a mixture of struggle and feast. In the struggle, we prepare ourselves for the feast, in the feast, we regain strength for the struggle. This has the meaning and gives meaning to our existence. For from here, we are pilgrims and we have to live well the time and the moments that God gives to us. It may be in hope and in the search how in realization and in joy we are with the Lord and toward Him we walk.

I desire that all parishioners a blessed July full of God and grace! God time of relaxing for those that are having parties. That July may become synonymous of a healthy youthful spirit and a  good life

Father Rinaldo Roberto de Rezende

Priest of the Cathedral of St Dimas, São José dos Campos—São Paulo State, Brazil

Translated from Portuguese