Holland Soccer Player Converts Shortly Before World Cup

The Journal La Nación from Argentina, revealed that the Holland soccer player, Wesley Sneijder, who made the goal against Brazil in the World Cup in South Africa 2010 converted to Catholicism and received the Sacrament of Baptism shortly before traveling to the Soccer Championship.

In the note titled “Spiritual Goal of a Holland Soccer Star”, the journalist Mariano de Vedia noted that Sneijder “arrived totally renewed” to the world championship.

At the end of May, he converted to Catholicism and was baptized in the chapel of Milan, next to the sport city of Inter, where the brilliante football player does not rest from winning titles. Influencing his decision his Novia, the Holland actress and Model Yolanthe Cabau, born in Ibiza in Spain, with whom he made the decision to marry in the Church after the World Championship. Also Sneijder was influenced by his friendship Javier Zanetti, also from Inter,  and practicing Catholic who celebrated his Baptism as he won so many championship that this year both won in Italy and In Europe.” she explained.

According to the journal, Sneijder declared that he was “at mass once with my companions and I felt a force of trust that impacted me.” Therefore I continued to the Catechism classrooms with the chaplain of Inter.

Already in South Africa, he explained that he prayed every day and Sundays he want to mass and received communion with Yolanthe who gave him the present of a rosary that he always wears around his neck. The faith give me strength, At times, m convictions maintain me strong and fill me with determination. All these days I recite the Our Father with her. We sought always, before beginning the events, a corner area to pray., explained the soccer player.

In declarations made at conferences with the English media, the Holland soccer star affirmed that he was always a believer, but never was Catholic. Yolanthe is totally Catholic, she was baptized, made first communion and all the rest. I decided to read and to speak more with her of Catholicism. I spoke with players and with a priest of the club and decided to be part of the Catholic Religion.” He Said

From New Song Missionary Alex writing from Fatima.

Translated from Portuguese