It is Time to Wake-Up

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Last week, I saw the testimony of Andressa Duarte, a 13 year old girl, who from her encounter with Jesus, did not lose time to put herself at the service of evangelization, with enthusiasm. I confess that I it disturbed me and made me feel uneasy.

This testimony has generated in me a desperation. I need to do something, I cannot be content to fall into conformism, and to find that I am already doing enough. But like St. Paul, I cannot conform myself to the present world. (cf Romans 12:12a) I know that it is time to wake up, That the prophets wake up, as the Lord began to wake me up with this testimony! I hope that He does the same to with you.

If you like me, remain disturbed, welcome; for in this day God begins a work revival in your life.

Paragraph 548 of the concluding text of the Fifth Conference of the Conference of Latin American and Carribean Bishops (CELAM) says: “We need a new Pentecost! We need to leave to encounter persons families, communities, and people to communicate to them and to share the gift of the encounter with Christ.” We cannot remain quiet waiting passively in our churches; but, it is urgent to go in all the directions in order to proclaim that evil and death do not have the last word, that love is stronger, that we are free and saved through the Easter Victory of the Lord of History. Aleluia.

Beloved, it is time to wake up, to go out to encounter brothers; it is time to ignite the world, to ignite our city, our country, with the fire of the Spirit!

Allow God to speak to your heart today and to reveal the plan of love that He has for your life!

God Bless You!


Fábio Lira

Translated from Portuguese