God Desires. You Decide

God wants to produce a generation of new men and women. Knowing of this, the devil wants to exterminate the riches of humanity: our youth. He wants to exterminiate it using degraded sex, drink, drugs and all the consequences that come from them. Perhaps you have entered these wrong roads. Return! Make a good confession.  Start all over again! You are capable of remaining in the grace of God. It is necessary to be coherent. The Almighty wil give you strength to overcome, but it is necessary to have the strength of will: Decision. And it is up to you.

In order to the sacrament of the Eucharist to happen, we need to put the bread, the wine and the word of the priest: This is our part. If we don’t do that the Holy Spirit has no way to bring forth the Eucharist. Only when the priest proclaims the words of consecration can the Holy Spirit act and bring forth the miracle of the Eucharist.

It this that happens in our road of sanctification: When you make your decision, the Lord comes and brings his power. God does not want to do anything alone, and we cannot continue doing anything alone. It is necessary to unite these two elements of this marvelous journey: To desire of God with our decisioin. The Lord want to make of us seeds of a new generation. If we enter with our decision, the will of God the Father happens. Without our part, nothing will happen. God wants. You Decide. Of our part it is necessary to assume and correspond to his personal choice.

Monsignor Jonas Abib

Excerpted from the book “Vocação: um desafio de amor” (Vocation: A Challenge of Love) by Monsignor Jonas Abib

Translated from Portuguese