Prayer Asking the Power of the Holy Spirit for Priests

Heavenly Father, let us see you and present to you all of your ordained priests. We ask that in your love, you pour over them your Holy Spirit. You give them power over Satan and his demons. We ask that you flood them with the renewed knowledge of this power: Fortify them and strengthen them in order that they may move in the Holy Spirit, in the name of Jesus to the end of expelling Satan and his demons when and where they encounter them. Give them a new vision that in Your light, they may be able to see clearly the influences of evil in their lives, in the lives of those that love them and in the lives of the persons of their community or those near them.

Lord Jesus, we ask that in your infinite mercy, you protect your priests from whatever influence of evil and all the attack of lying spirits, that may be in the vices of alchoholism, smoking, compulsive spending, lying, of pleasure in material goods, of prostitution or whatever imbalance in sexuality, of discouragement in prayer, or  separation because of all the scandals that have brought attentoin against Your Church. We ask that your manifest Yourself in them in a firm manner to the end that they may recognize Your presence and that Your presence radiates in them.

Come Holy Spirit, illuminate the heart, the mind and the soul of all your priests, especially today, I ask you for my community, that you put your Holy Spirit in front of it, to be a sign of your grace for us, for it was you that consecrated them to be configurated to Christ the Lord for us. Fill them with your presence of all types that they may be able to walk with wisdom and discernment. Give them also the gifts of healing, miracles, prophesy, knowledge, docility to grace, boldness in preaching, in order that those who hear them leave transformed through the word that they preached, give to them a humble heart like that of Jesus, that thus all the wonders and signs that God you trusted to you, give to these sons to be able to through him realized in conformity of Christ the Lord.

Holy Spirit, You that are the Spirit of truth that proceeds from the Father, come with your power and action, manifest in the live of your priests, in order that your Church may be each day much richer with the virtues and may be able to bring the knowledge to all men and women of your Church. We need holy priests. Give to them the holiness in full, in order that thus your people may become each time filled with grace and look also for this holiness.

Angels from on High, to you is entrusted the mission of keeping us in the fight against the demons and their angels, we ask you now for our priests that you protect them from the devastation of the forces of evil that has beset many priests, but we know wellthe force of prayer of the community, You who freed Peter from prison and from death, thus we call on behalf of our priest that no evil force may chain him.

Dear blessed Mother, we come to ask you for our priest that you may protect him with you sacred mantel, as you cared for Jesus. Care also for your elected son our priest, that needs much your protection, keep with care your motherly loving protection. Dear Father we thank you for hearing our prayer, we thank you Jesus, because you know we need our priest and it was you that configured him in your power. We praise you Holy Spirit, for you are capable of enriching our priest with your gifts and charism and configuring each day more in the person of Christ.

Amen Alleluia

Father Vagner Baia

Translated from portuguese