The Gospel is Merciful. The World is Cruel!

Taking the mercy from the teachings of Jesus would be like taking the fuel from your car.

But the world is not merciful

The world is cruel!

While mercy teaches to extend a hand to the weak and the poor, cruelity delights istself with misery, errors and sins of those in error.

It was not for nothing that Jesus said “If the world hates you, know that it hated me before you.” (John 15:18)

The world guides itself through “the spirit of the vulture.” The greater the flesh and dirt the greater the feast!

But the Christian needs to be different.

If we lose mercy and we also pass into cruelty, the world will conquer us.

But on the contrary, if each time we become more merciful with others and with our own errors, we conquer.

For the greater the carnage, one day it ends and then the crows disperse.

But where love and mercy, exist it is exactly the reverse: Many draw closer. Even those accustomed to cruelty  take account that mercy smells better.

Even if it cannot appear better packaged, it has different content.

On which side do I habitually position myself: on the side of cruelty of the world or the eternal and infinite mercy preached by Jesus?

We do not wait for the world to become merciful. We do not wait that the others exercise mercy that we can manifest ourselves through our words and concrete gestures.

The more our mercy manifests itself, the more the cruelty of the world will diminish!

Father Alir Sanagiotto

Translated from Portuguese