A Boat on the High Seas

There exists moments in our life that we feel like a ship on the high seas.

We leave from our port to navigate en deep waters. We go full of expectations and anxiety, in order to break through that see before us.

Quickly we want to raise anchor and cast off the lines that bind us to the pier. Not that this journey will not require force and pain. But it is that the grandiosity and the beauty of the sea are so intense that they appear to offuscate all types of difficulty. And nothing is as immense as the sea, but the infinity that it contains and the hope of passing the line of the horizon and there to encounter the Secure Port.

And there we are, pushed by the sea, and with well built sails that we may not lose our way.

It is a long journey, in which each time it appears to us that we draw near to the horizon, but it remains far.

Storms come up the struggle and the force of the wind that can sink us over at any moment. We fix our sight on the same direction of the objective that made us leave, but we do not see anything that appears as that beautiful horizon. Instead there is an immense agitated sea, far from everything and everyone. Then arrives doubt, fear and insecurity.

“”What made us leave? What made us cross the sea? And that which we seek in front of us does it still exist?

Questions like these insist to us that we want to return.

And when we look back, we are hoping we encounter the port that we left, and the lines to catch our anchor. And when we come back, only the darkness… The night and the wind and that we fear. The port from which we left is far away and now we cannot see go there. And it not only our goal, that one day we hope to reach appears far away.

What do we do? Do we stop? Whomever understands that storms, has to agree that would not be a better option. We could lower the sails, leaving that direction, but we run the risk of sinking…but this is not going to change the situation.

What is left is to continue! It there that we come to memories of the Horizon, that image of the Secure Port, that motivated us to cross the sea. And we no longer may see it, but we know that it exists, it is real!

Then persist, continue, sail…  there it is…! There is the port! a few meters!… Already I can see it!

What would be I is I gave myself over to the thoughts and feelings of that cold and tempestuous night, I would not have continued to sail. I never would have the grace of arrive to my place.

Assim é nossa vida, como um barco em alto-mar. Não sei em que altura está sua embarcação, nem de que material ela é feita. Mas a experiência de navegar é a mesma, para todos aqueles que avançam para águas mais profundas.

Thus is our life, like a boat on the high seas. I do not know that above is your embarkation, nor of the material that is made. But the experience of sailing is the same, for all those that advance into the deep waters.

I am sharing with you this music so that we can sing together that the strong wind that brings us forward is Love!

Click here to go to the web page and hear the song: Não dá mais pra voltar [No Turning Back] – Monsignor Jonas Abib [in Portuguese]

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God Bless You!

We are Together!

Marcelle Peres – CN


Translated from Portuguese