No One Can Be a Slave of Him/Herself

Sexuality is not an isolated part of the human being, This comprises the psychic, corporal, affective and sexual of our being. When one thinks of sexuality, one remembers the human being in all is integrity.

Therefore, when we refer to human sexuality, we are reaching to all levels, genital, affective, psychic, spiritual. Because the sexuality is a fundamental component of the human person. It integrates the man and woman with the creator. This integrity is wounded today, the human being is losing this reference, what should be integrated is divided and has fallen to only one aspect: genital.

Sexuality is not only genitality, it goes much farther. But today, the human life only lives and falls in the mistaken practice of genitality. This is living a crisis of sexual identity. There is no more a definition of personality; looking to assume the other that is not that which was given by the Creator.

“One makes necessary a constant and vigilant attention in order to avoid all forms of reductionism or banalization of sexuality. This for example, amplifies the genitality as an element isolated. in the first place, is the human person in his integrity. This cannot be reduced to the condition of an object, nor of simple pleasure, nor of consumption, nor property nor of discarded. No it can be seperated from the community, in that which grows ties of solidarity and commitment, condition of humanization and of socialization.” (Friar Nilo Agostini-Sexualidad Humana)

With all this, the human being today has profound marks in his/her sexuality in all levels of his/her life. We are living in a sick society, where only sex counts, the genital in whatever manner. Let us look at our life. What is that which that bring us spiritual and physical death? It is the pornographic world where what counts is sex in many places in society.

When are we going to wake up and see that all this has hurt us deeply, with scars that we are carrying for a long time?

The man was not nor is called to be instrumentalized by his genital organ, nor become an object of the desires of the rest, but rather, he is called to the fullness of life that only the Lord can give. No one can be slave of himself principally of sex.

We live a passivity with the things that are succeeding, that we believe that all is normal and all is well. Meanwhile, we are deforming us physically, spiritually, psychologically. We do not know any more who we are, we lost our reference, our identity of son of God, of man, of woman. We want to live a thing that is outside our own nature of what God created for us. (Gen 1:27)

Father Reinaldo Cazumbá
Canción Nueva (New Song) Community, Chile

Translated from Spanish