Walk in the Presence of God to Not Sin

What can I do in the fight against sin?

One of the arms to not sin is to do good, walking in the presence of God

And how do I do this?

Opening the door of my heart and giving free access to the Lord. The catechism of the Catholic Church teaches us that to overcome sin it is necessary to give oneself completely to God everyday. Sin relatives the word of God putting doubt into our heart.

Sin wants to take us from the goal that is holiness. I do not want to frustrate the project of God for me that is holiness, therefore, I need to fight.

Genesis 17:1 “I am the God All Powerfule, walk in my presence and be blameless.”

It is simple, God is saying: “I want you near me in order that you may not sin.

Let us go to the fight.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, I trust and hope in you.

Antonieta Santana Pereira Sales

Translated from Portuguese