It Is Possible to Love

God only ask us love and to love, therefore, holiness is in loving, not in going great things, nor in having great knowledge, but rather in loving!!

Recognize some parts of the Gospel where Jesus asks us to love.

This is my commandment: that you love one another as I have loved you”: (John 15:12) Jesus asks us much love to our brother, for he says to us “amen as I have loved you” and how does Jesus love us? He does the good to all, and loves us to the extreme, right to giving his life, he loves us to give the last drop of his blood. and still more, he loves us so that he remains in the Tabernacle under the appearance of love, he makes himself small through love. We are called to this love, to give and including giving ourselves to the rest.

In this you will now that you are my disciples, en that you love one another” (John 13:35). If in truth Jesus is King and Lord of our life, (that which signifies to do that which He asks us) Why don’t we do his command? Why does it cost so much to love the brother? Including that which hurts us? Why does selfishness, envy, lies, evil continue to reign with in us? And before this question, I confront myself with this difficult answer: If one says I love God and hates his brother, he is a liar. If he does not love his brother, whom he sees, he cannot love God whom he cannot see. (1John 4:20). In truth, we don’t love God nor know Him therefore we cannot love our brother, it is the word of God who says to us and he does not lie. He teaches us that one has to be united to the other. If I love God also I will love my brother, if I do not love my brother, I do not love God, and this because each person is in the image and likeness of God. (Gen 1:27) We should learn with the grace of the Holy Spirit that in my brother is God and if I hurt my brother I am hurting God, as says Padre Pio of Pietreclina: ” He that lacks love, hurts God in the most delicate of his being” Loving my brother, I am loving God… “In truth I say to you, what they do to smallest of my brothers, they do to me. (Mateo 25:40)

Heaven is for that know love because in Heaven there is only love. If you want to arrive there let us begin to love today. And if we don’t know how to love, let us go to the Tabernacle, let us visit and let us adore Jesus in the MOST HOLY SACRAMENT, FOUNT OF INFINITE LOVE. He teaches us and helps us to love.

LOVING IS POSSIBLE! “for already I have give you the Holy Spirit, and through Him the LOVE of God will be POURED into our HEARTS. (Romans 5:5) It is the question of deciding for ourselves to LOVE ALWAYS… as Blessed Mother Teresa would say: “Putting into action my LOVE FOR HIM (JESUS)”! GIVING LOVE!

Jesus, Good Shepherd, help us to grow in LOVE!

Mary, Mother of beautiful love, pray for us.

May GOD embrace us and fill us with LOVE!

Mirtha Rojas


translated from Portuguese