Take Your Eyes from Your Problems!

Persevere in prayer, remain vigilant in giving thanks.” (Col 4:2)

Many times, we need to shed tears. Nevertheless, do not waste any pain; let all your tears may fall into the Divine Heart of Our Lord. Exult with gratitude and praise, for the Lord comforts your life and guides your road. In the middle of tribulations, the great fights that we fight, even in the silence of our soul, He always manifests His tenderness and care.

When in our brokenness, we think that the Lord abandoned us and forgets us, it is the moment to raise your head and trust in His Word, for He will provide all the things for our good.

We cannot fix our eyes on our difficulties and in the numerous problems as we may be lost, in no one can help us and assist. We need to fix our attention on the little gestures of love that the Good God realizes in our life daily and aclaim to Him with thanksgiving.

Problems always will exist, as Christ Himself affirmed, but, if we look with eyes on the Lord, we will see His help and assistance independently of the situation and of the results.

God will never abandon us!

Jesus I trust in You!

Luzia Santiago

translated from Portuguese