Consecrated virginity and Its Fascination is Always Present

It is she that is called to imitate Christ, poor chaste and obedient, this is to be total, to be all for the other. Jesus was completely free and entirely for the other because He was entirely for the Father. Consecrated Virginity calls us to live this reality, this way of two way street to the Father, I need to live this way, to be completely for God and entirely for the others. To be all for God and to be all for the others. Living for the other and living for the Father.

The more I incarnate the Evangelical Counsels, the more I express my love for God, for my brothers and sisters and the freer I become, nothing holds me, nothing overwhelms me. It’s total love for Jesus.

Consecrated Virginity makes me live two Mysteries:

-Mystery of Consecration

-Mystery of choice in Consecration

Being all in Jesus, I allow Jesus to be all in me. To have Jesus as the center, Doing all in union with Jesus. Silence helps me do this, for He himself instructs me as he was me to do. The Consecrated Virginity makes me extremely intimate with Jesus. I have Christ as my center, this makes me one with Christ, When this is lived in fullness, self-denial does not become a heavy burden. We cannot live Consecrated Virginity as frustrated men and women.

Heloisa Paiva

Canção Nova (New Song) Community

Translated from Portuguese