Are We Going to Laugh a Little?! And To Learn Too!

Hey Guys, Peace and Goodness!

Who does not like soccer?

Each of us have a team close to our heart, and when the team enters the field, we also enter. We move, shake, yell, we rejoice or cry, and this is very good!

And who does not suffer when your team loses a chance at a goal, or celebrates when it was the opposing team who lost the goal. Well, of whatever mode, I got some good laughs with the video below and I want to invite you to watch it.


What did I learn with this?! First that in our daily fight against sin, against the evil, we need to enter the field, even though the result may be in our favor,  Jesus already gave us the victory; we run the risk of losing by default if we don’t enter the field. We need to play, fight, struggle, with our prayers, fighting temptations, etc.

Second we are going to lose some games, and even some opportunities to do good, to love our brother, to listen to God, but always there will be a new game, a new chance, and when it arrives we know we will have a better leverage.

That God gives us the grace, through His Holy Spirit, all the days that we enter the field, and never fail to seize the opportunities of loving and doing good.

God bless you,

We are together!

translated from Portuguese

[The letters above: PHN stand for the program from Canção Nova [New Song] which are the initials for the saying: Por Hoje Não vou mais pecar] which translate to: I will not sin today. A program to help you to turn from sin.-ed.]