A Woman of Valor

The woman of valor, always brings happiness. . . never regrets… works gladly… girds herself with firmness with doubled strength… Strength and dignity are her jewels, she smiles at the future… opens her mouth for wisdom and a kind instruction is on her tongue.” (Prov 31, 10-31)

is this woman of valor? How can one achieve it? The woman of valor is the fruit of conquering each moment. It is necessary to do good things and to make sense of all that happens. The decisions of daily life construct the woman of valor. She is going to choose well in each moment.

She knows to live today and therefore, to give opportunity to God of reconciling her with her past. She lives the simplicity of each moment and just so you know brings joy without ever regretting it. He beauty comes from this wisdom of living well the time that is called today. The woman of valor is kind because she knows to be thankful, makes the experience of receiving more than she merits.

Ah! The virtuous woman! Where does one encounter her? She is far from me! She appears the idea because in truth, I encounter another person inside of me. I look with all my strength, I want. Lord transform this old woman into a new woman, I give free access. I want to be happy from my Lord. I want to be a woman of valor. Happiness, praise, gratitude, openness, availability, simplicity, these are the characteristics of a woman of valor.


Translated from Portuguese